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Mail za EUROPSKE medije 

I am writing to you as the press house, whereas in Slovenia, a country carries out censorship of the work of journalists so that the citizens of Slovenia are aware of the irregularities that occur in prison at Dob.
Slovenia does not respect basic temljev EU conventions on torture people.
In Slovenia, new age and I have a slightly disguised Guantanamo. It is unfortunate that Europe financed the construction of new prison block, which is the number of prisoners increased dramatically. In other words - more martyrs. It is true that the prisons are no longer physical violence, but unfortunately out psychological terror and torture, the impact is very difficult to prove. Unfortunately, this kind of torture on prisoners leave lasting effects. These effects can not be removed and handed down from generation to generation.
I am ashamed that I am a citizen of Slovenia under the leadership who does not respect human rights. The EU has a great shame that we turn a blind eye to this and to finance construction of new prison block in the septic tank.It is interesting that Croatia, which is not in the EU rule of law much more than Slovenia. Thus, in Croatia closed the prison governor, which has done much less irregularity as manager at Dob prison. Dob prison governor is committed irregularities which are listed and described, and documented in my personal web site and on similar sites, which has a link to my website. I invite you to read the content of articles. I apologize to you, the entire text is in Slovenian language. Here we are forced to smuggle such articles as we are almost hermetically isolated from the outside world so that they do not escape to the outside world information on the actual situation and the situation here in the septic tank. Please be sure to appeal to our media, in accordance with the journalistic code and result that the contents of this letter and my website was published in the media.

Cordial greetings from Slovenia.                                                                           


Poslano na časopisne hiše.La Monde,Spiegel,la stampa,Hina,The Guardian,The Observer,Reuter,DPA,Tanjug

 Mail za USA

I am writing you in hopes that you posted this message a great nation like America.

The reason for the fact that you write is what could be read on the website VikiLeaks when, according to dispatches to the President of Slovenia conditional on a particular combination of your President, I am ashamed to Slovenian and can barely comprehend, that our president, calling the strange conditions of your President .
I am a person who is listed at the bottom of society, and I am a prisoner in a prison in Dob. The annex is a link to my personal pages and pages of similar content.

With this we want to help themselves to realize how wretched the state of our country and what kind of repression carried out in this prison. Here we have evidence that is really what has occurred in the world media on our Häag Oz. president Danilo Turk, at a recent meeting with Barack Obama.
For such a large country like America is a scandal that has long been a strong foundation of democracy is a disgrace to accept Slovenia as a member of NATO.

I apologize to you, the entire text is in Slovenian language. Here we are forced to smuggle such articles as we are almost hermetically isolated from the outside world so that they do not escape to the outside world information on the actual situation and the situation here in the septic tank.

Greetings from Slovenia.                                                   

 Poslano na:New York times,,Washington Post,Chikago Tribune,Los Angeles Times

 Mail za naše skorumpirane medije......

Sem obsojenc na Dobu,zaporu seveda ime mi jeKotnik Pavel.

Obveščam vas kot eno izmed medijskih hiš ,da sem se obrnil na zunanje mediske hiše v svetu katere spoštujejo novinarski kodeks.
Žal je vsesplošno znano da pri nas v Sloveniji ima država cenzuro nad novinrstvom sedaj o razlogih zakaj je temu tako nebi razglabljal , bitno je da ste sramota za novinarstvo in kodeks katerega drugje pravi novinarji in prave mediske hiše spoštujejo.
Sami mediji imate velik del krivde na plečih ,da je v naši državi takšno stanje kot je ,da se narod bori za golo preživetje saj ste vi ključni faktor pri prekrivanju dejanskega stanja plodov našega trenutnega vodstva države.
Kakorkoli že obvestil sem vas sedaj je pa vaša odločitev kako naprej.lahko tudi to mojo malenkost uporabite kot neko prelomnico za spremembo vašega dela in začnete spoštovati temljni kodeks novinarstva.

Prilagam vam link moje osebne strani, kjer je malo opisano dejansko stanje potrjeno z dokumentacijo pristojnih institucij in strokaovnjakov na teh področjih.

Moj naslov strani;

 Poslano na časopisne hiše:Dnevnik,Delo,Večer.Žurnal,Požareport,Pop tv in A kanal

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